Tagiarkisto ‘Family’

* Helping mom

Kirjoitettu 28.08.2017 - Myzoth. Kategoriassa Everyday comics, sarjakuvapäiväkirja.

mom's new cell

mom's new cell2

mom's new cell3

So my mom can’t really handle new phones but when ever she asks for help and I try to help her she doesn’t listen to my advises. She pulls her phone away so I can’t see what she’s doing or when I try to show her what she should do next she slaps my finger away and starts to yell  ”don’t touch” and ”I can handle this”. And after 2 minutes she asks for my help again :—-)))

I hope you had a great day.

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* Start of a transition

Kirjoitettu 27.04.2017 - Myzoth. Kategoriassa Everyday comics.

GIE letter01

GIE letter02

I’d like to make it clear that my parents still don’t know about me starting my transitioning so please blabber about this if you ever happen to be near them. Thank you.

But I hope you have a great day!

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* Last weekend

Kirjoitettu 13.03.2017 - Myzoth. Kategoriassa Everyday comics.

Princess Sählä

Hope you had a great day!

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* the Pecking order

Kirjoitettu 6.11.2016 - Myzoth. Kategoriassa sarjakuvapäiväkirja.


Sorry guys for the bad quality of pictures. my phones camera is really bad…

But I hope you had a good day!

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* Dat sandwitch

Kirjoitettu 7.06.2016 - Myzoth. Kategoriassa sarjakuvapäiväkirja.

I went to the grocery store with dad…

Dat sandwitch

And my guilty pleasure a wild sweetchili tuna sandwitch appeared.

I thought that I could write in english if I get any foreing readers. AND it is good english practice for me. But any thoughts? Should I continue writing in English or should I stay in Finnish?

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Latest updates

  • Hello after a while
  • Fat mentality
  • Breakdown
  • Reborn
  • Rebirth

